A: I fell for some movie promotion propaganda and checked out a new flick.
B: Did it measure up to your expectations? Often the promo clips we see are the best parts.
A: It was a complete let down. *** 내 인생의 한 시간 반을 가져가 버렸어. *** that I’ll never get back.
B: Yikes! That bad, huh? Look on the bright side. At least you ate a tub of popcorn.
A:영화의 허위광고에 속아서, 새로 개봉한 영화 한편을 봤어.
B:기대만큼 좋았니? 종종 예고편에서 본 장면들이 제일 재미있잖아.
A:완전 실망이었어. They took an hour and a half of my life 다시는 되돌릴 수 없는
B:끔찍해! 정말 재미없었구나. 그렇지? 좋게 생각해. 최소한 팝콘이라도 먹고 왔다고 말이야.

[Additional Expressions]
* fell for – went in for / got suckered in by / got taken by / got fooled by
* movie promotion propaganda – movie ads / new film promos
* checked out – went to see / saw / watched
* flick – movie / film
* measure up to – meet / come up to / equal
* your expectations – what you expected / what you had hoped it would be
* Often – Most of the time / Oft times
* the promo clips – the short pieces / the mini bites
* the best parts – the highlights
* It was a complete let down. – It totally flopped. / I hated it. / It was awful.
* They took an hour and a half of my life – They wasted my time / They stole part of my life
* Yikes! – Wow! / Ouch! / Oh no!
* That bad, huh? – Was it really that bad? / Is that how terrible it was?
* Look on the bright side. – Think of the positive side. / There is one good point.
* a tub – a bucket / a big container

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